The past week has offered us a taste of Spring, and while the warmer temperatures may or may not be here to stay, there is a palpable shift one can feel as the earth begins to stir with new life. This March, we are celebrating this shift and our connection to it, with our theme Awakening.
Each year Spring begins a rejuvenation of our physical environment in ways that we can see, touch, and smell.
The more we are tuned in to the world around us, the more we can tangibly feel, and appreciate these changes. Similarly, Yoga Asana asks that we pay attention to the shifting landscapes of our bodies, minds, and spirits as they awaken. We begin class from a quieter place, slowly awakening our body with yoga postures that grow in intensity and pace, and then complete the cycle with a return to the earth for savasana (corpse pose). Every time we practice we can experience this awakening, and the more we stay present the more we can appreciate our vitality and growth, both in a given practice and over time. As Spring brings a sense of vibrancy to the natural world, we are excited to use our Yoga practice as a tool to more deeply connect to our own life force.
Erica Barth
Owner, Harlem Yoga Studio